
Uma coleção de vídeos disponíveis na web com entrevistas, palestras e aulas de Michel Odent.

Lives 90 anos de Michel Odent

Em 2020, Michel Odent faz 90 anos.O IMO realizou LIVES para celebrar.Aqui está a "LIVE 2: Necessidades básicas da mulher em trabalho de parto: redescobrindo ...
Em 2020, Michel Odent faz 90 anos. O IMO realizou LIVES para celebrar. Aqui está a "LIVE 1: A vida de Michel Odent e o parto ecológico", realizada no dia 03/...

Workshop Lyon

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Trecho de gravação (6min) da imersão realizada por enfermeiras, obstetras, psicólogas, fisioterapeutas e médicos (obstetras, pediatras e médicas da família),...
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Michel pelo mundo

owl.postle.net - Dr Michel Odent speaks about the needs of the woman in labor and how those in support can best help.
owl.postle.net Michel Odent birth beliefs.

O RENASCIMENTO DO PARTO - O FILME - Veja no Netflix, NOW, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube Filmes e Vivo Play

Michel Odent, MD, in his own words, discussing his observations about the impact of men in the birthing environment. Obstetrics is like fashion; it goes in t...
A part of Dr. Michel Odent's
Confira a palestra do renomado cirurgião francês que se dedica ao estudo da vida fetal, parto e primeiro ano de vida Acompanhe a UnBTV no Facebook, no Twitte...
Michel Odent is a Speaker and International Supporter of the First International Online Festival on Natural Birth 'Miracle in the Heart: Expecting.Giving Bir...
The BirthBliss Team, Kicki and Siobhan, talk to French obstetrician, author and childbirth specialist, Michel Odent. Michel Odent is best known world-wide as...
Video zachycuje návštěvu světoznámeho porodníka Michela Odenta v České republice v dubnu 2013. V rámci jeho návštěvy se uskutečnil seminář pro porodní asiste...
Entrevista para o Programa Psiquiatria Sem Fronteiras
Como é lindo e compensador para mãe e o bebê quando o nascimento respeita as condições fisiológicas que exigem o momento.
An interview with one of the most prominent figures in the history of modern obstetrics and the voice of support for natural birth without interventions - Dr...
http://www.oneworldbirth.net - Michel Odent talks about the role of Oxytocin and other "love cocktails" of birth. Part of the One World Birth free video reso...
Michel Odent, auteur de nombreux ouvrages, parmi lesquels Le Bébé est un mammifère paru aux éditions l'Instant présent, répond à nos questions lors de la réé...
Entrevista al médico francés para el programa radial Femenino Plural de la radio www.clavesdelsur.com realizada en Buenos Aires, Argentina el 1 de mayo de 2013.
Accédez aux conférences complètes du Sommet de la S*ualité de Vie : www.sommetSdevie.com/coffrets Retrouvez la conférence de Michel Odent sur le thème : les ...
Discover my favorite idea from Michel Odent's Primal Health for Placenta Encapsulators,. He talks on how the way newborns are treated can affect their hormon...
This film answers expectant parents questions about the vital role they play during pregnancy in helping realize their child's fullest potential. Dr. Thomas ...
Sabemos que atualmente o Brasil chega a 84% dos nascimentos através de cirurgia, enquanto a OMS preconiza 15%. Quando eu estive com Odent em Pithiviers, na F...
Final da entrevista com o mestre.
Se déroulait le 30 septembre et 1 octobre à Paris le congrès IPSN sous la thématique " la santé au naturel, tout au long de la vie ". Nous avons eu l'occasio...
Pioneering Obstetrician, Author and Founder of the Primal research Center Michel Odent explores current thinking about the bacterial and immunological enviro...
The long-term consequences of how we are bor - Michel Odent
THE MOTHER MAGAZINE hosts an exclusive interview with Dr. Michel Odent in London. Issues covered are: "The Challenges Women Face in Pregnancy and Childbirth"...
Face of Birth is an Australian documentary currently in production. While recently filming expert interviews we offered those following the progress of our f...
POurquoi tant de césariennes parfois bien légitimes? pourquoi tant de déclenchements parfois bien légitimes. mais parfois , par méconnaissance de la physiolo...
Entrevista realizada a Michel Odent en su visita a Chile, enero 2014. Universidad de Concepción. El obstetra abarca diversos temas que engloban en sí, la int...
Os psiquiatras, desde a época de Rank, discípulo de Freud, sabem que as condições do nascimento é importante para a nossa vida. Veja o que declara o mestre.
Nuestro querido Michel Odent, ya hace 17 años, nos deleitó con esta dulce, cálida y sorprendente conferencia "La importancia de la creación del vínculo entre...